
Beast Masters Duel: Tree and Tide with Custom Meeples!

Created by Kid Loves Tiger Games

A head to head, asymmetric, arena game between Trainers and their Beasts! Complete with Custom Meeples and a unique Trainer Board!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit is up and rolling! Be sure to double check your pledge!
about 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 09:32:06 PM

Well, as you all know, the Backerkit for Beast Masters Duel has been up and running, and it would seem like after a few bugs, we managed to get it all sorted out. 

Here is what we need from you;

  • Double check your pledge in the pledge manager and make sure your shipping was charged correctly. Some people were charged 0 dollars in shipping in the first day... this is obviously an error as the only original reason we opted for Backerkit to assist us was in the shipping charges and organization of addresses :) 
  • Stay safe. We, here in Minnesota, are under a stay at home order, and if you are in a similar situation, take care of yourselves!
  • Finally, sound off if you have any other questions below! This time between now and delivery will be a time to make sure any questions you have are answered, and you feel taken care of!

One thing we all agreed to hold off on, was posting future Beast Masters Duel items. While we can all agree this did not perform the way we wanted it to, and we know multiple people here through PMs have asked about future plans, be they retailers or our loyal returning backers, we feel our focus, for now, will best be spent on this. Once this ships out we can talk future plans. Suffice it to say, we have them, they are neato, and we hope you will join us for that adventure as well!

Currently, things are moving forward, albeit slower than we would like given Sun and Stone's timeline, forward indeed. For now fellow trainers, stay safe, stay well, and we cannot wait to talk again soon!

Backerkit Information
about 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 02, 2020 at 02:46:50 PM

So for whatever reason (after 5 checks and Backerkit looking at it), our Backerkit isn't charging for shipping.... which is btw the entire reason we are using one. So be warned, it should be corrected within the day, but you will not be able to lock in any pledge or be charged until this is altered. 

We were told it SHOULD be corrected today so double check your pledge because obviously without paying for Shipping we cannot afford to send you said pledge and will not be checking each pledge individually to make sure you did when we batch shipping labels for those who did. 

Pledge Manager, Surveys the like!
about 4 years ago – Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 11:58:52 PM

Hello fellow trainers!

Finally it has arrived. This week you should expect a Backerkit survey to hit your inbox. What this means is that despite the lockdown in Minnesota, despite the viral concerns, we are still moving forward steadily on Beast Masters!

We wanted to address again, if you were hoping to get a copy of Beast Masters Duel Sun and Stone, there are a limited # of copies there and we hope you will fill it out soon enough to make sure that happens. To facilitate this in the best way possible, we have made Sun and Stone available to you through the following restrictions;

  • 1$ Backers will not have access to them. Simply put, they are very limited and we need them to be available to backers who already put money in for them or had the intention of getting both while already paying for 1.
  • Preorders (late pledges) will not have access to them for similar reasons to the above.

We hope this helps and if you have any questions regarding the backerkit when it is sent out, we will be able to answer that question here or via email at [email protected].

Thank you all for being so patient with us as we work to get this set up!

Take Care of each other :D

Pledge Manager Details
about 4 years ago – Sun, Mar 01, 2020 at 06:35:12 PM

Hello fellow Trainers!

So firstly, happy Leap Year/Day. Let's dig into the nitty gritty of board game publishing.

Current Status

Everything has been order. This was the case when we published our update last month, and it remains true. Right now some of our items have been being outfitted and set up to assemble your games!

We are incredibly proud of everything that went into the game, and everything the guys put together here. Including a unified rulebook that answered many of your questions from 1st edition, as well as presented them in a more digestible manner. 

Future of Beast Masters Duel

We have talked in previous updates about what we wanted to do in the future. We are still sussing that out. Again, despite Beast Masters Duel Sun and Stone delivering 5 months earlier, there were some market failings with Tree and Tide and we think we have a handle on what those things were. More on this though below. 

Essentially, it is still up in the air, the guys are trying out like 90 different iterations and won't stop until they find something that truly honors all of the hard work we, Elle and you put into the title. 

Pledge Manager

March is going to be a 2 update kind of month we think. We won't have the final shipping weight (thus shipping costs) until March 7th, and that is what is keeping our Pledge Manager from being approved. What we had originally hoped as that people would be able to get in, pay for Tree and Tide if they backed for 1 buck or wanted multiples, as well as got one of the held copies of Sun and Stone added. Unfortunately, Backerkit wants us to have all of the final shipping information in there for check out purposes. We appreciate this, but until we have a fully assembled copy of Tree and Tide, we won't know that. 

What's different that may change the weight? Well, for starters, the rulebook. But also the way the game is packed and the board change the game's packaging a great deal. This is why we believe March will be a two update month. One regarding the pledge manager and one regarding our production progress.

Please and Thank You

In Backerkit, one thing we are going to be asking you all is to take a few minutes and help us and discuss how to improve the title in the future. There will be multiple questions and we hope you all can take the time to help us and answer them :D 

First Update of 2020!
about 4 years ago – Sat, Feb 01, 2020 at 01:55:05 PM

Welcome to the new year Trainers! We have some stuff to tell you :D 

The Great News

We have finalized everything and ordered it. So once progress begins being made we should have some progress shots for you. Obviously we are really excited to get this to you. We are incredibly proud of the Beast Masters Duel Property you have/will be getting despite it's relative success on Kickstarter.

Another thing support wise, we cannot thank enough all the stores and individuals who HAVE supported us. You all are amazing and 2020 should be another year for some Beast Masters ideas.

Less Great News

The Pledge Manager is done... But we are ready to go but waiting for Backerkit to approve the projects parameters. When it does you all should be able to fill it out. Now we will have this information again in the next update when it opens up, but for you to be prepared below will be a summary.

  • Shipping will be charged and in line with what was projected in the campaign. This is not only due to our prices we negotiated, but because we paid for it last year when we signed the agreement and before the prices went up.
  • We will have limited stock of the Beast Masters Duel Sun and Stone so getting in FAST and checking out with one will be key. 
  • You will have chances to change your address in the pledge manager so PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE to fill it out. We always get a group who waits until the last minute. We do not want to miss you.

Aside from that, we have an exciting year ahead of us and we cannot wait to get started.