
Beast Masters Duel: Tree and Tide with Custom Meeples!

Created by Kid Loves Tiger Games

A head to head, asymmetric, arena game between Trainers and their Beasts! Complete with Custom Meeples and a unique Trainer Board!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy Holidays to all!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 09:38:39 PM

So not much to report this month Trainers but once a month we like to check in with you and let you know where we are :D 

Pledge Manager

Our Plans for it to be live in the first Month of 2020 is still in keeping with our current schedule. Reminder, we will have copies of Sun and Stone in there for people in this campaign who missed out on it and wanted both. Aside from that, nothing to report here :D


We have finished proofing all components for Beast Masters Duel: Tree and Tide. As there were no unique pieces outside of the Meeples in this set (which are made the same as the previous Meeples), the proofing process was really down to and about consistent wording in the cards, so we knew this would not take too long. 

New Year and Newsletter

We will have new Beast Masters news coming in 2020 as well so look out for that! Part of this is going to be communicated through a monthly newsletter. We will have our mailing list set up and linked next month. People that are on it will have access to all the updates we would normally share on Facebook, as well as special offers and updates on projects (coming and in progress). 

Going into the new year, we cannot be more thankful for you all, the amazing Beast Masters Community!

Pledge Manager Update and Future Dev Work
over 4 years ago – Mon, Dec 02, 2019 at 12:38:26 PM

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our US friends!

To all others, the holiday season is upon us and the slowdown that comes with it is pretty standard here. That said we want to say, what we are thankful for, is all of you :D

On top of that, we wanted to say, the pledge manager will be dropping likely in the first month of 2020, as we wrap up finale edits and changes on our side! That said, we also wanted to let everyone know how appreciative we are to the feedback we were given, and what that given us moving forward as we test new ideas for the franchise to make it cheaper, easier to engage, but with the same amazing look and a familiar feel and will have more on that to share soon :D

Be sure more to come in the next month as we wrap editing :)

Beast Masters Duel and the future!
over 4 years ago – Sat, Nov 09, 2019 at 07:53:29 PM

Hello there fellow Trainers!

Drop Offs

We had an abnormally large % of drop outs towards the end of the campaign. This has kind of altered our course not only for this game but future Beast Masters Duel games. So give us some time and read on and we think everything will be understood.

Pledge Manager

We are working on setting up the pledge manager, but a few disclaimers, because of the drop offs, it is unlikely we will be able to afford some of the extra things we were hoping to have in the pledge manager. We will not be able to manufacture more copies of Beast Masters Duel Sun and Stone, but, we will have some extra stock we recovered from a few people to offer you.

This does mean for you stores, and most have been contacted, that we will not be able to offer the copies we were hoping outside of Tree and Tide. 

The Future of Beast Masters Duel

It is at this time that we need to say, our plans for Beast Masters Duel must alter.

With Tree and Tide;

  • Our Prior Title in this Franchise shipped 6 months early to backers.
  • Of the 15 Reviewers who actually took the time for us, they all had nothing but positive things to say.
  • We addressed some of the things people wanted to see in this launch and it was for the better.
  • We even backed and supported most of the board game media world hoping they would spread the word.

When it came down to it, we also poured a good deal of money into the ads for the game. None of that seemed to help. So at this time, for the future of this property, what we want to do, is have the creative team go back to the drawing board for the entire design.

Whatever the disconnect with a majority of the audience, we cannot thank you guys enough and we know it's not the best to hear that this will likely be the last of Beast Master Duel in this form, but we have to be honest about our intentions for the series. Running each one of these at a loss for the team is hard to sustain and would be for anyone :D 

Now obviously Elle put in an amazing amount of work, so we will retool Beast Masters Duel and come back with something that resonates to a larger audience. Fortunately, that's for the creatives! On this side, once we assess what can be afforded through the PM and what the shipping prices for 2020 will be, the pledge manager will go live and we can get to work on wrapping this up as well! 

Did You Know?

Beast Masters Duel actually used to have dice and no meeples! So the game has seen many iterations and we look forward to seeing and presenting what the team comes up with when we are ready and when Beast Masters Duel is in your hands!

Post Campaign Setup Closer!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Oct 01, 2019 at 08:21:48 AM

This will be a short update for you all to let everyone know what our timetable is moving forward. First though, Ben and Chris were out and about at LionCon, a local convention, and we will get to the relevance of that below, but suffice it to say, it was a lot of fun for them!

Now, let's talk details!

Pledge Manager

We were hoping for more of a final 48 hour surge to warrant a pledge manager. Because we did not, justifying Backerkit would be hard and pass on extra costs to you. It is likely we will be using PledgeManager as they are offering us a free service this time around and that would save you all and us in the long term.


While the project did fund, and the previous version did in fact ship fast, we intend to be more careful with this set because for whatever reason, something here isn't catching with people. We do not anticipate that any extra eyes will add to our timeline given how fast we moved last time, but we do hope to spend until the holidays figuring out how to grow the franchise. 

Each Kickstarter takes a lot out of our entire team, and right now we continue to effectively do this for free out of love. That's not particularly sustainable. We hope that you can also take some time to give us your thoughts on how to grow the Duel line in the future!


We imagine our Pledge Manager should be opening in the near term and remain open until maybe February? We will keep everyone apprised of this as we formulate the timeline. On top of that, we intend to do with this project, what we did with the others, in that we post monthly updates until the game has been fulfilled, then postings after fulfillment for related launches.

Until the next time, keep training!

Post Campaign
over 4 years ago – Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 10:29:13 PM

Hello Trainers!

We wanted to stop in this Sunday night, after having a chance to digest everything, comment on the campaign and say again how much we truly appreciate every single one of you.What we do is a passion, not a full-time job at this point, and this passion is fueled by YOUR support, so thank you :D 


For the next week, we will be collecting our plans for the Pledge Manager, which will be a short affair given our timeline last time, and then of course, on to producing. 

Future Plans

We will be announcing plans for Beast Masters Duel when the Design Team wraps on their current progress and balancing with it :D 

Overall, we just want to express, the Pledge Manager is coming! If there is any content you want to see, we can pass that to Ben and Chris and they can live stream on a Monday for you all to provide it!